How do I use multiple discount codes?
- You can't. The system isn't built for it. There is a workaround though. Because our shipping is always free, you can make multiple orders and apply your coupons accordingly. Just put a not in your orders (last page of checkout) that you are placing multiple orders.
Do you accept Google Checkout or Paypal?
- No we don't. We used to. It's become too complicated sorting through multiple payment processors and because of PayPal and Googles "weapons policy" we have decided it's just not worth the hassle.
- Q: What's a weapon? To Google and Paypal it's anything either sharp or projectable. Why you can sell laser pointers that can burn people or flashlights that can be thrown at people is beyond us. <end sarcasm>
- Paypal sales policy
- Google sales policy
What's your policy on returns?
- EDC: Every Day Carry